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Lilith - the Black Moon

Writer's picture: Daniela MutisDaniela Mutis

No matter which story you hear about Lilith, she's always portrayed as a misunderstood bad bitch. With so many myths surrounding her, it is quite difficult to understand which was the original story of Lilith. Popularly, though, she is known as the first wife of Adam (before Eve) who was made of the same substances as him and therefore equal to him. Lilith refused to be dominated by Adam when he insisted that she lie beneath him. She wanted to be seen as equal and lie next to him. This eventually caused her exile (or in some retellings, voluntary disappearance) from the Garden of Eden, supposedly leaving her to run to a cave where she then bred with demons. In other stories, Lilith is known as the first vampire to roam the Earth, or a demon seductress who would visit men in the middle of the night.

Lilith can represent a power within us that is hidden from the world, and sometimes even ourselves.

There are many Lilith points in astrology, but the most commonly used is the Black Moon. This point in astrology marks the furthest point of the moon's orbit around the Earth, basically marking a dark void. This point will stay in each sign for about nine months, so you and many peers around your age will have the same Lilith sign and therefore this is not a very personal placement until you look at the house it's in. For example, I have my Lilith sign in Sagittarius, and so will many people around my age. I have Lilith in the fifth house, though, which may differ from someone born even on the same day as me, and therefore changes the way Lilith affects their life.

Lilith is bound to show you where you feel the most shame in life, and the animal instincts you repress out of discomfort. Within this idea is a quiet jealousy for people who aren't uncomfortable in the same situations you may be. For example, a person with an Aries Lilith may feel shame when expressing self-centered traits or when taking the lead, and may feel alarmed when they see others do these things without question and with confidence. Some people feel as though Lilith is the same as your shadow self - and there is power in learning the darkest secrets of yourself. Lilith is where we aren't able to compromise, and where we can access a divine feminine energy that isn't eager to please. Within our Lilith placements, we may also understand our deepest sexual fantasies.

Below are some short descriptions of Lilith in the houses and signs (please read both the sign your Lilith is in and the house! it's easy to calculate online, and remember you have an entire chart, it's okay if this specific placement doesn't resonate with you)

- Lilith in Aries // 1st House

You want to show the world all the messy and chaotic parts of yourself. You have felt that making yourself center of attention or a leader without asking is wrong, yet you feel naturally attracted to these roles and have desires to take action//assert yourself. You have extreme passions and have the power to be a fearless leader but may struggle with your image. When crossed you can be ruthlessly aggressive.

-Lilith in Taurus // 2nd House

You fear poverty and feel as though your self worth may be tied to materials, which may bring you to misunderstand people who are fine with splurging openly and talking about their latest purchases. You keep this area of you to yourself. You love the finer things in life and stability but may feel ashamed for self-indulgence or getting too comfortable. You may feel as you'd do anything for pleasure and may need to learn how to control possessiveness. This placement is immensely charming.

-Lilith in Gemini // 3rd House

You feel as though you have incredible ideas worth sharing, but may find yourself keeping quiet over fear of what others may think. You are curious and skeptical, and often these placements have a brilliant mind. You may be wary of people who are social butterflies, seem to flaunt their intelligence or who talk too much. You may feel as though you are out of control or never satisfied. Deep down, you are a free spirit and want to feel heard by those around you - or the whole world.

-Lilith in Cancer // 4th House

You feel ashamed when needy and truly just want to be nurtured and nurture others. it is possible that you may have an inner child that seeks a mother-like figure. Don't keep your love locked behind closed doors. You may feel confused seeing others so comfortable in the home as you yourself break tradition and become an outcast of your hometown. You may feel uncomfortable asking for help. These natives also may struggle with separation anxiety and deep protectiveness of their loved ones, but can feel confidence when finding independence.

-Lilith in Leo // 5th House

You may have felt like a deer in headlights when all eyes are on you, or guilty for seeking the spotlight and special attention. Your pride could end up being your worst enemy, and with this fear you may be wary of people who are so openly self-absorbed. You may find power in knowing it's okay to want praise at times, and others find you intensely captivating. You get let down when people don't match your enthusiasm, as you are a fun soul who wants everyone to get the special attention you yourself crave.

-Lilith in Virgo // 6th House

You strive for perfection and may project this onto others around you. You may go to great lengths to prove you're not boring, worried or eager to please. Guilt is something needs natives must overcome, and the idea of perfection may lead them to leave many projects unfinished or act as though they don't care about the results. You do have a gift of remaining calm, and where others see chaos you are usually at peace. You may place unrealistic expectations on yourself and others. You don't need to feel shame over wanting to do well, and it is okay to accept yourself as you are.

-Lilith in Libra // 7th House

You may feel ashamed for needing companionship or approval from others. You may feel as though you attract relationships that aren't harmonious or traditional. You feel as though any kind of dependency is weak and may find yourself unwilling to compromise to seem strong. You hide your vulnerability well but must learn to be powerful as an individual. It is also okay to ask for a helping hand. Know you are not weak and the wild, chaotic feminine energy you seek is already inside of you.

-Lilith in Scorpio // 8th House

You may feel uncomfortable with making it known that you desire deep connections, intimacy and attachment. You are not comfortable expressing jealousy and may find yourself wary of people who openly express their passions and attachments. This can leave you feeling numb and uninspired. You may also feel ashamed in your sexuality, though you are truly an intimate being. You must learn to value trust and to empower yourself. You have a naturally mysterious energy and transforming power.

-Lilith in Sagittarius // 9th House

You feel ashamed of the way you desire adventure, challenges, and about the questions you hold about the world. You may have acquired a major need for rebellion, especially as a child, which leads you to become a radical free spirit. You may think the way you are is not accepted by others, and could be slandered by trying to hide the chaotic, rebellious parts of yourself. You're constantly questioning your worth as a thinker, thinking your beliefs are too "out there". This may lead you to ignore the opinions of others, which could be fixed if you learn to listen. You value the truth. Breaking out of boundaries is a must, but avoid falling into major social nonconformity.

-Lilith in Capricorn // 10th House

It is natural for you to prioritize power, authority and social status. This need of yours, though, may have been well understood in your early life and therefore you may feel rejection in these areas. You feel wrong for your deep desire to excel, and can be wary of people who openly talk business or seem materialistic and practical. This placement could grow learning to draw the line between emotion and ambition. You are hesitant to take praise for any of your accomplishments but are a cheerleader to friends and family. It is okay to be selfish and desire success. You are naturally a boss.

-Lilith in Aquarius // 11th House

You may feel as though your quirkiness and individuality were looked upon as "over-the-top" or intense. You demand freedom at all costs but at the same time might have felt shame for secretly desiring a group, team or community. You may be wary of people who are "popular" or comfortable knowing their roles in these groups. You are outspoken and wish to find people who think differently than you do as you can't stand a homogenous lifestyle. You feel as though it is your word against the world, but know it's okay to accept people who share interests with you. You may become overwhelmed in social situations and tend to isolate yourself, but your power is in your voice and you could start a revolution with your ideas. What is freedom really to you?

-Lilith in Pisces // 12th House

You may have felt shame for expressing your spiritual, dreamy side where your mind usually is. These natives may have issues with often being in denial and looking for anything, including sex, to be an escape. Lilith in Pisces is ashamed of their preference of fantasy over reality and may be wary of people who refuse to fit into a social bubble. The truth is, these natives are wildly intuitive and can find themselves having a bigger impact on the world if they accept these "powers" instead of feeling like outcasts. It's okay to feel compassionate, emotional, wishy-washy and in tune with your surroundings.

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