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"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you."

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The Astrological Ages for Dummies

History itself can prove the accuracy of astrology - it's that simple. Those who follow astrology will be able to tell you that yes -...

Basic Compatibility ; Beginner

One of the many things astrology can be used for is compatibility. Every person has a unique astrological chart, with several different...

Lilith - the Black Moon

No matter which story you hear about Lilith, she's always portrayed as a misunderstood bad bitch. With so many myths surrounding her, it...

Gemini Venus

Venus is the planet that guides our desires, our love lives, and our financial tendencies, so when Venus enters the diverse and social...

Gemini Moon

As you may know, the moon sign in your chart illustrates your emotional energies, what you need to feel comfortable or secure, and your...

Gemini Sun

The Sun's placement in the natal chart shows our lifestyle, basic personality traits and sometimes even our purpose. In the mutable air...

Taurus Sun

The Sun is the planet of ego, basic personality, what a person is trying/ learning to become and the center of the self. The Sun is the...

Taurus Mars

Taurus, filled with beauty and femininity through the energy of Venus, may find it difficult to thrive in the passionate, aggressive...

Taurus Mercury

Mercury rules the mind and our methods of communication, intellect, learning and much more, and is one of the most important placements...

Taurus Venus

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules Taurus and Libra, making a Taurus Venus quite a comfortable placement to have. A Taurus Venus...

Taurus Moon

The Moon is a vital aspect of everyone's chart, showing the emotional desires and hidden shadows of the self. The moon sign is not as...

Taurus Rising

If you have a Taurus rising, it means that Taurus was ascending on the Eastern horizon at the specific time and place that you were born....

Is There a 13th Zodiac Sign? - Ophiuchus

Every couple of years, NASA republishes the same article saying that there is a new 13th zodiac sign and that astrologers have had it...

What is Mercury Retrograde?

We are entering a Mercury Retrograde on May 29/30 that will last until June 22! Read up to understand the energies surrounding this time

Soul Planet – Atmakaraka (Sidereal)

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Sidereal Astrology vs Western Astrology

There has always been this constant debate on which system of astrology is more "accurate" and which one you should be following. Today,...

Origins of Astrology

Astrology dates way back to the earliest civilizations, and was once in complete accord with the study of astronomy itself. People once...

Astrology Cheat Sheet

Aries: cardinal fire/ Mars Taurus: fixed earth/ Venus Gemini: mutable air/ Mercury Cancer: cardinal water/ Moon Leo: fixed fire / Sun...

The Rising/Ascendent

"The ascendant is the astrological sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of birth" - not a...

What is a Mars Sign?

Mars is the god of war, and symbolizes raw power, courage, brutality, and urgency. Mars represents our will, drive, sexual energy, and...

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