Aries: cardinal fire/ Mars
Taurus: fixed earth/ Venus
Gemini: mutable air/ Mercury
Cancer: cardinal water/ Moon
Leo: fixed fire / Sun
Virgo: mutable earth/ Mercury
Libra: cardinal air/ Venus
Scorpio: fixed water/ Mars
Sagittarius: mutable fire/ Jupiter
Capricorn: cardinal earth/ Saturn
Aquarius: fixed air/ Saturn
Pisces: mutable water/ Jupiter
"Planets are the actors, Signs are the roles"
*Some literature will say that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, Pisces by Neptune and Scorpio by Pluto. I do not believe that way simply because the seven traditional planets are the ones featured above. The seven traditional planets were the ones visible to astrologers that were studying the skies. The three outer planets, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune, were not visible to the naked eye and were only considered during the rebirth of astrology. They do not really rule signs, but do give further descriptions.*
Seven Traditional Planets:
Sun: ego, creativity, consistent light. father/masculine figure, authority, yang-active,assertive
Moon: response, internal emotional world, impulses, leader of night, how we get back to our center, mother figure, yin-passive
Mercury: not yin or yang, depends on chart. logic, debate, communicate.
Venus: yin, night sect. attraction, value, what we hold dear. harmony, love. represents women, art, money.
Mars: yang, night sect. how we assert ourselves, siblings, men, physical block, sex
Jupiter: yang, day sect. abundance, active, blessings, luck. area of knowledge and experience. teachers, spirituality.
Saturn: yin, day sect. lessons, fears, structures, where we gain responsibility. authority.
The Sun, Saturn and Jupiter are day sects so they are happiest functioning in a day chart. The Moon, Venus and Mars are nocturnal planets and are happiest functioning in a night chart. You will know if you have a day or night chart with the exact time of birth and depending on the location of the sun. Mercury can go either way and depends on the chart.
Three Outer Planets:
Uranus: spontaneous, innovation, unconventional beliefs.
Neptune: glamour, illusion, spiritual connection, reality and dreams.
Pluto: intensity, psychological turmoil, regenerative processes, underworld.
fire: dry, hot
earth: dry, cold
air: wet, hot
water: wet, cold
cardinal: initiate, catalyze
fixed: sustain, stabilize
mutable: transition, adjust
-12 Fold division into areas of life. The Planets are the Actors, the Signs are the roles and the Houses are the scenes.
First House: self, physical body, identity, mask, new beginnings
Second House: finances, material possessions, five senses
Third House: communication, siblings, short term travel, teachers
Fourth House: home, family, property, ancestry, safety
Fifth House: children, romance, creativity, pleasure, drama, attention, play
Sixth House: health, illness, coworkers, animals, fitness, diet, service
Seventh House: one-to-one relationships, partnerships, marriage, business deals
Eighth House: taxes, joint income, death, deep bonding, mystery, transformation
Ninth House: foreign travel, philosophy, higher education, expansion, luck
Tenth House: career, public image, reputation, tradition, discipline
Eleventh House: friendships, groups, society, technology, futuristic, science fiction
Twelfth House: introspection, meditation, exile, completion, separation from society, imagination
ASPECTS: interactions between the signs of a chart, planets and houses
-This is how our chart "communicates"
-Focuses on if planets can "see" each other, if they are close enough to each other in the sky to basically "communicate"
-Lack of conversation = aversion - no connection
-Conjunction: 0 degree meeting, blending together, sharing sign, co-present. Act together and do not stand alone.
-Sexile: 60 degree harmonious aspect. Two different elements. Opportunity, ease. Least powerful of aspects but better than nothing.
-Square: 90 degree tense aspect. Constant friction, direct combat. Stimulates action but could cause stress.
-Trine: 120 degree harmonious aspect. Flows without any effort, harmony, cooperation that is life preserving. Unconscious talents.
-Opposition: 180 degree combative aspect. Feeling torn, divided loyalties, unsure and wavering.
"Easy" and "Hard" placements
A placement that would be considered "easy" for a chart is, for example, a Leo sun, Aries mars, or Cancer moon. These planets are in a sign that they themselves rule, as the sun rules Leo, the moon rules Cancer, and so on.
The opposite of the rule is detriment. This is when the opposite sign of the ruling sign is in a certain planet. These examples would be Aquarius (opposite of Leo) sun, Capricorn (opposite of Cancer) moon, and Libra (opposite of Aries) mars.
Here are the opposite signs:
Aries - Libra
Taurus - Scorpio
Gemini - Sagittarius
Cancer - Capricorn
Leo - Aquarius
Virgo - Pisces
When in detriment, it means that the energy from the planet is weakened in that sign and it is more difficult to express the planet’s energy, it means it is the second worst sign to have the planet in.
The other characteristic is exaltation. This means that the sign is not ruled by the planet, but it’s energy is still influenced and is expressed positively, it means it is the second best sign to have the planet in, and for example, the Sun is exalted in Aries.
The last characteristic is fall. This is the opposite sign of whichever planet is in exaltation. Since Sun in Aries is exalted and the opposite of Aries is Libra, this means that Sun in Libra is in fall. Fall in a planet means that it is the worst place for that sign to be in that planet and it’s energy isn’t expressed positively and is greatly reduced and hidden.
Ruled: Best placement for that planet
Exalted/Exaltation: Second best placement for that planet
Detriment: Second worst placement for that planet
Fall: Worst placement for that planet
