Since the beginning of humanity, people have been looking up into the heavens seeking answers for all they saw. People centuries before us have tracked the paths of the sun, moon, visible planets and star patterns (constellations). Since in the beginning people believed the Earth to be the center of the solar system (and not the sun), the key constellations were seen as the 12 that touched the ecliptic- which is the Sun's apparent path around the Earth. This ecliptic was seen as the celestial equator. These 12 constellations are what is known as the signs of the zodiac. The zodiac is not only the constellation, though, but a reference framework that divides the sphere that is the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, each about 30 degrees.
It is fairly easy to learn the key concepts of each sign. Each sign has an element (fire, earth, air, water), "gender" (masculine or feminine-mostly a Chinese tradition similar to yin and yang), and quality (cardinal, fixed, mutable). Each sign also has a ruling planet, which may influence a sign more than others. Planets feel "comfortable" in a placement when the sign in that placement is a sign they rule. For example, having a Libra Venus is a "comfortable" placement, considering Venus rules the signs Libra and Taurus.
Now, with these pieces of information understood, I will explain every sign in the most basic way possible as the sign itself, not how the sign is in each planet.
March 21-April 19
Planet: Mars
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Quality: Cardinal
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and it is associated with the start of the ancient Roman year/ start of spring. It is easy to remember that Aries is cardinal because cardinal qualities start each season. Cardinal signs are the "initiators" of the zodiac, representing new beginnings, leadership, and an opening for the new and unexplored. This gives Aries quite a bit of leadership qualities and not much fear of the unknown. The fire element/ Mars ruling planet of Aries makes them impulsive, courageous, and headstrong. But, as also an embodiment of renewal, Aries can express a gentle side, with powerful promise as "a child taking their first steps". Mars, symbolized by the Greek god Ares in mythology, is a planet of war and this is powerful in the sign of Aries as they may go to "war" over slight provocation/ in defense of themselves, and they have a strong heroic energy. This is in comparison to the other sign ruled by Mars, Scorpio, which is a feminine, fixed, water sign, and will obviously have different qualities though sharing the same ruling planet.
Aries hold an empowering confidence, they have strong loyalty towards those they love and ultimately live exciting lives along with those who follow them. They are assertive, free, and independent.
Aries may not think deeply into the emotions of others and seem inconsiderate or selfish. Aries also may become easily bored and impatient. Since Aries is so headstrong and dives into any situation without testing the waters, they may find they missed easier ways of accomplishing their goals.
Overall, Aries are fast-paced, passionate, sociable, generous, and willing to fight for the rights of others.
April 20-May 20
Planet: Venus
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is a fixed sign in the middle of spring (fixed signs show stability in the keeping of the season the cardinal sign initiated). Ruled by Venus, Taurus liberates an energy of beauty in the material world. The combination of fixity and earth means that Taurus is a sign that loves knowing that will happen next, and is not very found of change or surprises. Taureans are loyal, dependable, stable, and it is hard for them to deal with anything that requires adaptability. Taureans also rule consumption (including that of food) which is where they get the stereotype of being gluttonous and lazy. But, it is a beautiful thing that Taureans can appreciate rich tastes, aromas, and the feel of nourishment. Taureans are suited for a practical career that brings few surprises but a steady income (they have a strong sense of responsibility), and they usually have artistic qualities to be expressed in their work and hobbies. Taureans are sociable, and love to make friends easily but their desire for control and stability can show them to be stubborn and refusing to compromise, which could be frustrating for those around them. Family is very dear to Taurus as they respect and honor traditions, they care deeply about their loved ones and make good counselors for those they love as they are not very judgmental of the failings of others. Loyalty runs deep within Taurus and they are usually good and knowing who has their back. Taureans usually don't give in to emotional intimidation and can argue with a strong face. At their worst, Taureans may become stuck in materialistic things, addiction, self indulgence including overeating, possessiveness and stubbornness.
May 21- June 21
Planet: Mercury
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and its mutable quality shows the ending of spring, preparing for the summer. The mutable signs are the thinkers and philosophers of the zodiac, and hold a great open mindedness. Mutable signs mark the ending of a cycle and prepare us for a transformation that is about to happen. As an air sign, Gemini people have active minds and are very intelligent. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is also symbolized in the Roman god Mercury, who was the messenger of the gods. Gemini's are very good communicators, love making friends and are very sociable. Gemini people are tough negotiators and could make very clever business people. Geminis are curious, spontaneous, and have a deep want for knowledge. Geminis ask questions, desire answers, and fit together pieces of the puzzle. With this strong communication, though, comes the desire to understand all sides and what the real "truth" is. This is where Geminis get their "two faced" and "gossip obsessed" stereotype from. One may not know where a Geminis loyalty really lies, especially including how often they change their minds. This need for information, too, is why Gemini people may find themselves surrounded by drama. Geminis are sometimes accused of not being able to stick to one thing for long. They may become worriers, and often may need more reassurance than people realize. With so many things happening in their minds, Geminis can easily feel overwhelmed and anxious. They may seem unreliable to others, as their actions and words may not match up and this can let down the people around them. Still, Geminis are extremely friendly, loving, determined and can turn anger to laughter and sadness to acceptance.
June 22- July 22
Planet: The Moon
Element: Water
Quality: Cardinal
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is a cardinal sign as it begins the season of summer, making Cancer hard to influence, and tough. Cancer is also ruled by the Moon, making it a sign that is highly sensitive and emotional. It is also a feminine water sign, adding great intuition and a caring, nurturing nature to the sign. Cancers are empathic, and understand others usually to a profound level. Cancers are usually shy as children and don't really care to be in the spotlight. They are very motherly and tend to overprotect the ones they love and excessively worry over them. On a good note, this protection will prove great love and closeness, but if too overpowering, it can destroy the intended effect and cause insecurity and excessive defensiveness. Cancers are nurturing not only in the way of a mother to a child, but with a sense of responsibility over the upkeep of a home, family and larger society. Cancers want the world to be comfortable and safe. Cancers are kind, but often may give too much of themselves and don't receive the same from others. Cancers usually withdraw from conflict and move like the crab does, side to side and not directly forward. Cancers may grow up quickly and take on responsibilities while still young. Their relationship with their own mothers may be intense- on either side of extremely close or completely falling apart. Cancers are excellent listeners, and care to remember what is told to them. Cancers may be moody or possessive, and could be hurtful to those they perceive as weak. Cancers also may leave so many problems unaddressed, that they fail to move on and the problems only grow. Cancers are prone to insecurity and sensing imagined threats. Cancers must try to avoid overreacting.
July 23- August 22
Planet: The Sun
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Lion and fixed fire, directly in the middle of summer. Ruled by the sun, Leo radiates charisma, charm, light, confidence (even if there are insecurities beneath the surface) and a warm, life giving energy that can fill any room they enter- if they so choose. Leos have the stereotype of wanting to always be the center of attention, wanting fame and recognition, but this is only natural for these natives as they are the only sign ruled by the Sun- the center of our solar system. But, not all Leos dream of a glamorous life in the spotlight. Many Leos give all this energy to their families and can easily make their children, spouse, or friendships the "lights" of their lives. Leos, like the Lion, are extremely courageous, loyal and devoted to their loved ones. Being fixed fire, Leo stimulates action and doesn't enjoy to change direction, but this stubbornness makes them determined.. Leos value respect, loyalty, decency, and generosity. Leos, as stereotypically loving affection and admiration, also do very well in making everyone else in their lives feel this appreciation and love. A Leo may feel overwhelmed with insecurities if not recognized or appreciated by those around them, and may constantly need a recharge after many social events after another. Many Leos can't handle ridicule or playful teasing, as they always want to come off as confident winners. Leos are capable of holding grudges and may on a bad day come off as snobbish, proud, bossy, arrogant and short tempered.
August 23- September 22
Planet: Mercury
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Virgos are the sixth sign of the zodiac, and prepare us for fall as it is a mutable sign. Virgo is represented by the Virgin, and strives for constant perfection and maturity. Like Gemini, Virgos are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, intelligence, and society. Virgos seem to only accept ideas that are capable of perfection, and when everything is perfect Virgos feel safe and healthy. Because of this need for perfection, Virgos may feel inclined to a career in chemistry, medical fields or alternative healings. This doesn't mean, though, that Virgos are always tidy and organized. Some Virgos find comfort in chaos as along as they have some kind of mental "control" over it in their own worlds. Virgos are hard workers, give great attention to detail and want everyone around them to be at their greatest potential. This gives Virgo the bad rep of being overly critical of others, almost never pleased and always finding faults in people. The truth is, Virgos are more critical over themselves than anyone else. This is why Virgos may be sensitive to even the most constructive of criticisms, they already have told themselves their own faults and mistakes a thousand times and it may hurt them to hear it from others. This makes Virgo a very defensive sign. Virgos take their responsibilities seriously, and once they have their mind set on something they will do anything to achieve it and usually do so with ease, risking anything. Virgos must learn to put all this energy into the right things though, and not be blinded by competition. Virgos typically have a good sense of humor and are reliable friends, and their parties are usually the best because once they have everything organized as they please, they let loose and allow themselves to break free from their rather uptight everyday lives. As an Earth sign, Virgos value stability, and with Mercury as their ruler, they have very quick minds.
September 23- October 22
Planet: Venus
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is the only sign represented by an inanimate object - the scales. It is also a masculine sign ruled by Venus, even though Venus is a very feminine planet. This makes Libra a very confusing sign. Libra is also an air sign which may make them cool, detached and preferring logic over emotion. Yet, Libra represents perfect balance, and the world depends on a perfect balance of forces and understandings. As an air sign, Libras are able to understand others very well, and provide a stable foundation of support for anyone they choose to lend a helping hand to. Venus rules Libra very differently than it rules Taurus. Libra focuses on the responsibility of relationships, and are typically very flirty in a more outgoing way than a Venus ruled Taurus would be, considering Libra is a cardinal sign and loves to take charge. Libras are also naturally charming and and enjoy being playful around others as long as their playfulness isn't taken too seriously. Libras are stereotypically known for being indecisive, as they are always looking for justice as they are literally represented by the scales. They also have a strange feeling of detachment (coming from their air element) that may make it hard for them to feel close to anyone, no matter how many friendships they acquire. Libras may suffer an aggressive/passive nature. Libras also want to please everything and achieve perfect balance, which is a beautiful idea if we were living in a dream world. Libras must learn to voice their side more and not play Devil's advocate. Libras are good companions and a reliable source of help. They desire comfortable surroundings not only for themselves, but for everyone around them. Libras do not like to lose control and may feel threatened when they face lack of certainty. A deep fear of Libra natives is spiraling out of control, as the usually can show courage and resilience like anyone else but tremble at the face of sudden shocks. Many Libras are found in the world of music, and their intense hatred for injustice would make Libra a great lawyer.
October 23- November 21
Planet: Mars / Pluto
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and though it is a feminine water sign, Scorpios are anything but weak and gentle. Scorpios may feel confused in their own emotions, as the water element in them makes them intensely intuitive and aware of their emotions, but the way Mars rules them makes Scorpio want to suppress emotions and suffer in silence, to appear strong. The way Scorpio tends to hide their emotions leads them to come off as very mysterious, and almost impossible to read. Scorpio represents death and rebirth, making Scorpio a very passionate sign for transformation. Scorpios are also commonly seen as a very sexual sign, as the body parts they rule are the genitals and their co-ruler planet Pluto allows Scorpio to venture into dark and forbidding experiences. Scorpios are typically all-or-nothing, and take things to the limit. I have seen jokes around the astrology community where people say that "if a Scorpio wouldn't die for you, they don't love you", just proving how intense they are made out to be. Scorpios pick up on energies very easily, so it's hard to say when you will catch a Scorpio in a good, charming, happy mood or a bad, suspicious mood - they may be feeling out situations as a different rate than anyone else. Scorpios tend to be very persuasive, and this makes them excellent salespeople or counselors. Scorpios meet the unknown without fear, but are prone to jealousy and intense attachments. This sign is able to "see right through people" and almost has a sixth sense against lying, so don't think anything will get past them or that anything goes unnoticed. Overall, Scorpios are passionate, powerful, intuitive, respectful, loving and truly loyal to those they deem worthy of their love.
November 22- December 21
Planet: Jupiter
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and Jupiter favors this sign and is expansively generous here. Jupiter is generally known as a planet of luck, so some Sagittarius natives may realize they are blessed with good luck, whether it be with opportunities, connections, or in their relationships. As a masculine, mutable fire sign, Sagittarians are capable to bend to any situation and seem to say yes to any request asked of them. They fit easily into any new environment and are the sign most likely to travel throughout their lives, always searching for the next adrenaline-rush-inducing activity. Many Sagittarius natives are in search of wisdom throughout their lives, and explore religions, cultures and philosophy. Like Libras, Sagittarians strive to find the answers to the world's problems, but in the quickest way possible. This makes Sagittarius a perfect sign to enter fields of education, and makes them pretty good parents. As a fire sign, Sagittarians are passionate, impulsive, and able to light up any room they walk into. Sagittarius is ruled by the archer, and like an archer Sagittarians should focus well on the target before aiming. People are drawn to how Sagittarians make the impossible seem possible, and their positive attitudes towards problems when everyone else is ready to give up. Because of this, Sagittarians make great leaders. Although, with this great energy comes a time where Sagittarius needs to give their bodies and nerves a rest. They appreciate alone time and aren't typically dependent on the company of others. Overall, Sagittarians are honest, fair, fun-loving, wise and desirable people.
December 22- January 19
Planet: Saturn
Gender: Feminine
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Capricorn is the tenth house of the zodiac, starting on the winter solstice when the sun is the furthest away. As a feminine earth sign, Capricorns denote stability, practicality, common sense and attention to detail. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns are born with a heightened sense of responsibility, very aware of their decisions and not wanting to make any mistakes. A Capricorn native may quest for intellectual heights and feel as though they never reach their goals, no matter how successful they get and how many battles they win. All Capricorns embody ambition, if not exactly for themselves, then for their loved ones. They want to achieve the best opportunities and take their educations very seriously. Capricorns may seem serious and "dull", but they usually have a wonderful sense of humor, can let loose and indulge in fun activities on their days off (which they usually plan very well in advanced). Capricorns may expect too much of other people, but if they realize any destructiveness in their relationships with others or in themselves, they are more open to the necessary changes as they are a cardinal sign. Capricorns are the businesspeople of the zodiac, but usually will do well in whatever they set their hearts to, being as they are hard workers. On the other hand, Capricorns who struggle to find their passions or to meet their own high standards may fall into a pit of self doubt and struggle to find hope or look on the bright side. Capricorns are reliable, and even if they come off as distant or demanding, they make good companions as they always want the best for their loved ones and will do anything to make them feel secure.
January 20- February 18
Planet: Saturn/ Uranus
Gender: Masculine
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, represented by the water-bearer and fixed air in the center of winter. The water-bearer is an important role in any society, a person bringing a necessity of life to villages far and wide just shows how Aquarians embody the humanitarian role amongst the zodiac. Aquarians seek to refresh humanity and better the world. With Uranus and Saturn as rulers, Aquarians love revolutionary changes and feel more comfort in them as, say, a Capricorn would with only stubborn Saturn ruling it. But, Saturn may make Aquarians feel as though their way is the only way to the bettering of society, ignoring the validity of other arguments. As an air sign, Aquarians seek the answers to their questions and ultimate wisdom. Aquarians are also known to represent technology and scientific discovery, and do well in these occupations as well as any that involve humanitarian social service. Aquarians are usually full of ideas but lack the practicality to initiate any. Aquarians also come off as confident, but typically may feel uncomfortable in their own skin, awkward in social settings and may suffer from shyness. This is largely due to the fact that Aquarius is the direct opposite of Leo, who thrives in the spotlight and craves attention. Aquarians are very opinionated and usually can back up their thoughts fairly well, and think of the betterment of society when preaching their ideas. Aquarians are also known for loving animals and respecting all life. As a fixed, masculine sign, Aquarians are stubborn and don't do well with change, and are aggressive in these beliefs. Aquarians also may have a hard time seeing emotions as they are more appreciative of well thought out logic. Aquarians may have many friends as they care for people and come off as friendly, but may be some of the hardest people to get to know on a deeper level, as they are not exactly open with their emotions and prefer to keep that side of them to themselves.
February 19- March 20
Planet: Jupiter / Neptune
Gender: Feminine
Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, represented by the fishes. Since Aries is the first and youngest, this makes Pisces the most mature. The mutable water that Pisces embodies suggests that Pisces respond to change better than most, and a receptive sensitivity; an open hand to support anyone that needs to reach out, and unconditional empathy. This makes Pisces natives drawn to careers that help others with healing, such as psychology. Pisces are the artists of the zodiac, usually enjoying poetry, music, etc. As a feminine water sign, Pisces are intuitive, and emotions are the heart of their decisions. Pisces hate to see others suffering, and will be quick to help others even if it means burdening themselves. Since Pisces natives hold spiritual values rather than material ones, it is rare that these people put success/ wealth above all else for their lives. Neptune, ruler of the sea/ Pisces, is also the symbol of the unconscious, showing how Pisces may be sensitive to small changes that others may hardly notice. This can make Pisces feel overwhelmed with responsibility and a feeling of carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. These stresses may lead to overindulgence in Pisces natives, as they also seek a detachment from their reality. Overall, Pisces natives thrive in regeneration, are the true essence of empathy, and masters of illusions.