The Moon is a vital aspect of everyone's chart, showing the emotional desires and hidden shadows of the self. The moon sign is not as loud and direct as the sun and rising signs are, and therefore sheds a light on the inner core of a person. The moon may not rule Taurus the way it rules Cancer, but the moon is exalted in Taurus. This exalted position means the moon is elevated in rank, powerful, and at its strongest expression and potential. Basically, the moon feels comfortable here and can show off its best qualities.
As an earth sign, Taurus gives stability and a steady pace to the moon. Taurus moons don't like to play games and are pretty straight forward people. Since Taurus isn't exactly emotional and the moon rules emotion, Taurus moons depend on inner stability and protection. Since the moon is exalted here, Taurus moons are blessed with a deep emotional intelligence. This means Taurus moons are very in touch with their emotional needs, and they are practical enough to know how to achieve them. Taurus moons are also capable of helping their loved ones feel this emotional security, always lending a shoulder to lean on when someone they love is in need. Taurus moons, as a fixed earth sign, encompass loyalty and comfort. They may find it easy to know what their partner needs/wants to feel satisfied, and are typically very affectionate lovers and enjoy a grounded relationship. The qualities of nurturing, sustenance, and fertility from the moon are easily expressed here.
The Venus ruled Taurus appreciates a lovely aesthetic, and the Moon in Taurus intensifies this desire for beautiful things. They don’t care that much about material possessions, but, they do like to be surrounded by an elegant environment. These people usually enjoy relaxation and are pleasure-seekers. They enjoy the familiar, cozy comfort zone. Taurus moons are typically organized and don't experience much moodiness, instead they may develop temper problems (stemming from their stubbornness) and need their space to calm down. Since Taurus moons don't show off their emotions, they may come off as detached or aloof, when in reality they understand and feel their emotions in a deeper sense and have strong devotion.
Overall, it is considered a great placement to have the Moon in Taurus. Taurus moons are known for their consistency and strong loyalty, and give a rather peaceful, relaxing aura for the moon to enjoy.