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The Astrological Ages for Dummies

Writer's picture: Daniela MutisDaniela Mutis

History itself can prove the accuracy of astrology - it's that simple. Those who follow astrology will be able to tell you that yes - history does repeat itself- and we have in depth, detailed correlations between history of humanity, evolution, and the stars. This is an extremely profound topic in astrology- a topic I believe many astrologers ignore due to the fact that this isn't something that would be mentioned if say, you got a personal reading done, or if you were looking into a birth chart synastry. Instead, the Astrological Ages are time periods in astrologic theology that parallel major changes in the development of humanity particularly relating to culture, society, and politics.

According to occult science, in every 2,000 - 2,160 years (due to earth’s rotations varying in length, as well as the disproportionate sizes of the constellations ) we have a new Astrological Age, which means a new constellation starts affecting the evolution on Earth. While the earth is rotating, there is a change in the orientation of the earth’s rotational axis, called "precession". One complete cycle of this precession lasts slightly less than 26,000 years, meaning the spinning Earth goes through a little circular wobble about once every 25,000+ years. One cycle of Precession has been broken into 12 parts associated with 12 astrological ages, resulting in having 12 astrological ages corresponding to the 12 zodiac signs. The 12 zodiac signs each occupying 30 degrees of celestial longitude, and can all be seen along the ecliptic. Ages are measured by the wobble of the earth's axis as the North Pole points down towards and marks each age or constellation in succession. Currently, that marker points to the constellation Pisces, and we are said to be in the 'Age of Pisces'. These ages flow backward through the astrological signs as the earth's axis wobbles in a precessional or backward direction through the zodiac. History- evolution, politics, society, etc- of a certain Age is said to be influenced by the sign that rules it.

We are currently in the Age of Pisces, and have been for a long time now. The Age following this would be the Age of Aquarius, as the ages actually move backwards in the order of the signs, as mentioned. We will begin by talking about the Age of Leo, which was followed by the Age of Cancer, followed by Gemini, Taurus, Aries and finally Pisces.

Though not all Astrologers agree on exact dates of the Ages, here I have listed an approximate estimate of each one :

Age of Leo 10,006 BC to 8006 BC or 10,500 BC to 8000 BC

Age of Cancer 8600 BC and ended 6450 BC or 8006 BC to 6006 BC

Age of Gemini 6450 BC and ended 4300 B or 6006 BC and ended 4006 BC

Age of Taurus 4300 BC to 2150 BC, c. 4006 BC to 2006 BC, or 4525 BC to 1875 BC

Age of Aries 2150 BC to 1 AD or 2006 BC to 6 BC or 1875 BC to 90/100 BC

Age of Pisces AD 1 to AD 2150, or AD 498 to AD 2654

Don't get confused here with the exact dates, I find that it doesn't really matter how exact you are when looking into the past Ages when you just understand the concept, how the years were estimated, and what happened during those Ages that made it accurate. To begin, I will explain the major events and importance of each Age, and then we will get to understanding the controversy within the Age of Aquarius.


The Age of Leo, ruled by the Sun, was a prehistoric age, also called the "Golden Age" or the "Leonian Age". This was about 12,000+ years ago, when individuality in humans first started appearing, causing mass self discovery. Humans had a desire to lead, to develop the primitive social structures, and to have superior power over others. All these qualities of individuality, superiority and leadership are a common feature for the Leo zodiac sign. During this time, humans were slowly reaching the top of the food chain, identifying humanity's reign on Earth. Mankind grew as a race in intelligence and population. Humans were seen as creative during this age by leaving behind art and the clever ways of producing it, which provide obvious Leo traits. Also within this Age was an abrupt period of global warming, accelerating the glacial retreat, marking an end to the ice ages – letting the Leo sun shine in! People of this age literally worshipped the Leo ruling Sun as this was when humans first learned to hunt and harvest crop. The next age of Leo will come eventually, even though we will be long gone, and mankind may be granted another age full of the gifts Leo keeps on giving.


Following the Age of Leo comes the Age of moon-ruled Cancer, also known as The Cancerian Age, The Age Of The Great Mother and The Stone Age. Following the bright sunny age, this lunar age brought along the making of cities, the establishments of farms, the domestication of animals, the importance of the home, and the settlements of communities. During this age, we also saw the height of goddess worship and matriarchal culture. Cancer and the moon are always personifying the mother, so it makes sense that within this age the Mother and her nurturing skills were exalted and worshipped-women had power and it was a matriarchal society. Figurines of voluptuous Mother Goddess are found all over the world from this period. The next age of Cancer will definitely mark an importance in the feminine population, as well as great influence on all the values Cancer rules over.


The Age of Gemini, also known as The Geminian Age or The Age of Commerce, was our first industrial age. Ruled by the intelligent Gemini, this age marked an increased interest in literature and storytelling. The age of Gemini was a time of expression, connections, increased trade, and improved communication. This was the time the first trades between different people from around the world started appearing. Humans discovered the written word again and "reinvented" writing. At first it was rudimentary glyphs but then it became more and more complicated, until the first written records were dated to be from this age. During the Age of Gemini, people began to share ideas at great rates, a few of the world's most important languages were born (obviously influenced by Gemini's need to communicate), and there was the importance of balance. It was plagued with war and death, but also with art and literature. Nations rose and fell, man and woman stood on equal ground. At this stage, humans needed to descend from the intuitive, spiritual higher world to develop our thinking processes, becoming more practical and logical beings, just as Gemini would want.


Following the Age of Gemini comes the Age of Taurus, also known as The Taurean Age or The Age Of The Agriculture. This was during the Iron Age of man. The age of Taurus was a time of structure, the Stonehenge, the pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, even Atlantis were said to have been built during this time. Farming was sophisticated, social status became divided, the importance of wealth shined and grand structures were built. Religion was also more organized, and during this age, the bull was also a very praised animal. The Sacred Bull was actually the most important of all animals in Egypt, some deities were bull-gods, bull worshipping cults began to form, and many bulls were depicted in art. After Gemini's importance on communication and language, Taurus was able to to solidify language into a permanent record. Venus ruled- Taurus gifted this age with it's influence on wealth, material, peace, comfort, refinement and permanence.


The general peacefulness seen in the Age of Taurus was in for a surprise with the start of the Age of Aries, also known as The Arian Age or The Age Of War And Battles. What else would we expect from Aries? Aries rules warfare, overcoming challenges, competition, anger, aggression, and independence. This was during the time of King David, King Solomon, and the birth of Christ. It was also the time of great philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. Here, monarchy was very important (the idea of having a king/queen, one single ruler) as well as monotheism (only one God). Mars-ruled Aries was brought this age a time of empirical growth and expansion, cultures intermingled, new territories were obtained, there was war, blood, power and wealth. Mars can represent masculinity in a way- and with Aries being a masculine sign, the masculine body and power trampled over the feminine, which was weaker and soft. History from this age has left us with the iconic myths of many heroes - such as Hercules, Spartacus, etc. The fire dynasty in China arose (Aries is a fire sign!) and just like the Taurus bull, the Aries Ram was also worshipped by the Jews, the Romans and the Egyptians. According to the Romans, they were the “Sons of Mars”.

I found this section of an article that also explains pretty well how intensely ARIES this age was:

"The Greek Olympus religion was the height of warrior/hero religions, with all the gods and goddesses choosing sides in human battles while fighting and bickering among themselves. The Hebrew Old Testament was also written in warrior imagery. God is portrayed as the general of his chosen people/army, leading them in conquest of the Promised Land. Although a god of love (perhaps from the older Age of Taurus), he is quick to anger and punish when his authority is questioned. In a manner similar to the Greeks, the Hebrew god seems to be in constant battle with the gods of other people, who are collectively labelled as pagan."


There is some controversy right now for if we are in the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius, but i will say right now that we are in the Age of PISCES, and will most likely be until 2160. The Age of Pisces, ruled by Neptune and the sign of the 12th house, also known as The Piscean Age or The Age Of Spiritualism, has been the age of spiritualism, religion, transcendence, illusion, prophecies, drugs, fear and imprisonment. This has been the age of great world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, among others. This age begins more or less with the birth of Christ, and therefore Christ lived during the Age of Pisces. It is not by chance that the symbol of Christ/Christianity is a fish, or that Jesus' disciples were fishermen. This Age, along with the new teachings of Christianity (Buddhism as well), brought completely new ideas to the world. Before this Age of Pisces, the ideas of compassion, forgiveness, empathy, sacrifice for others and loving your enemies were HARDLY EVER considered. Pisces is a water sign, a very emotional, empathetic and intuitive sign - this can not be a coincidence. The age of Pisces was still full of barbaric moments and had wars, but amongst these the higher manifestations of Pisces also were born: amazing and refined pieces of musical and artistic genius, soaked with mystical inspiration. This is a time of faith and sacrifice, we also began to ask what is the purpose of life, and trying to answer these questions lead us to the greatest scientific discoveries, while also sparking our interest in spiritualism and the unknown even more. Within this age, technology also began developing, close to the end of the Age (in other words, right now), on the edge of the Age of Aquarius (Aquarius rules technology), where humans have been presented with illusions, lies, deception, and lack of privacy. Within this Age, human beings have engaged more than ever in the the matters of the soul, drugs have become debilitating illnesses for some, and eye-opening connections to the astral world for others. In this Age human beings have been searching for the connection to the higher self, moved by the new ideas of faith, hope and love.

Christianity here is mentioned because it is truly a perfect idea to understand the age, Jesus was born when the age began, Jesus was the fish symbol and acted very Pisces, Jesus was a prophet, religious figure that washed others feet and also died and rose from the dead- a very mystical figure for a very mystical age.

THE AGE OF AQUARIUS: coming soon......

This age is meant to come in a few decades, which means that right now we are basically in a time of evolution and change. Though we are a few decades away, since these ages are 2,000+ years in length, we are closer to the Age of Aquarius than it may seem. The Age if Aquarius is thought to be the Age of Technology. There will be great technological advances, space travel, and electricity. Science and innovation will be important ideas. This is why many people believe we are already in the Age of Aquarius. In my opinion, and understanding the Aquarius sign as best as I can as an Aquarius myself, I believe this Age will bring freedom for many people and take a great interest in the community. Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, very focused on the betterment of the community and brotherhood. I believe in the Age of Aquarius humanity will see more acceptance of all our differences (gender, sexuality, race, culture, etc). Also many things that were once seen as scandalous, rebellious or odd may become accepted as Aquarius loves all things weird, extraordinary and unique.

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